Any visitor to Ghana will not leave empty handed. Perhaps nowhere else in the world are there so many artisans making such a wide variety of beautful handmade crafts. The skill of the Ghanaian craftsman is passed down from father to son (women rarely make crafts for sale), and has come down from time immemorial. The artistry depends on the price of the piece, which in turn depends on supply and demand. In many parts of Ghana where tourism is one of the main industry , there is a surfeit of carvers so it is a buyer's market. Bargains are easy to come by and haggling is the order of the day. However, when one considers the effort that goes into creating a piece, it is necessary to invoke your conscience in order to avoid feeling as though you might have cheated the seller.
The Centre for National Arts and Culture, popularly known as Arts Centre, is located next to the Kwame Nkrumah Musoleum, off the High Street in Accra. The center became very popular in the 80's for its leisure and entertainment programmes through its "Anansekrom", which used to be held there on weekends.
Today, the reason for most of the hundreds of people who visit the place everyday is different. They go there to buy or sell in the arts and craft market, located within the premises of the Centre for National Arts and Culture. It is the biggest market for handicraft products in the country.
All kinds of handicrafts imaginable may be found in this market. The items range from wood carvings, traditional musical instruments, cane and raffia products, leather ware, gold, silver and bronze jewelry, beads, clay products, antiques, paintings to ivory products, and many more. These items are brought to the markets from various parts of the country and also from other countries within the West African sub-region including, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Cote d'Ivoire, Togo, Senegal and Nigeria.
Visitors who where seen at the market say that the market is very popular in Europe and America because of the variety and quality of the handicrafts available. Some of them said the items that they purchase are sent home as gifts for their loved ones and relations while others explained that they buy and resell in America and Europe and as far as Asia.
The arts and craft market provides employment opportunities for many people. Skills have been developed in carving, painting, designing, metal works to service the market.
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